Soldotna Office

Paulette Akers


Hi, I’m Paulette. I have been in healthcare since 2014 and I have an extensive background in healthcare. I have worked in hospitals, nursing homes, assistant care homes, performed in-home care, and hold a current CNA license.

I launched my career into the world of healthcare because of my amazing little brother. He receives services to help with all actions of daily living. I got the unique inside look from the family side of healthcare growing up and watched the most loving and kind caregivers care for one of the most important people to me.

This inspired me to mold my career around healthcare. With TLC, I am able to make that difference in my community by helping people in need like they are my own family. TLC has opened the door to keep pursuing my passion for healthcare. #IAMTEAMPURPLE!



Tuvalu Tauanu’u


I’m Tuvalu, but you can call me Tubbie. My nine children and over 10 grandchildren are my greatest blessings.

My professional journey has taken me through roles such as an Electronic Services Representative at NSFCU, Hotel Hospitality, and Management for a Day Spa and Salon.

Throughout my career, I’ve held onto a belief in delivering outstanding customer service. This passion for helping others brought me to TLC, where I proudly declare #IAMTEAMPURPLE!


Ritchel Camacho



My name is Ritchel—a foodie, travel enthusiast, and proud solo parent. When I’m not exploring new culinary delights, I’m navigating the exciting world of parenting solo. Volunteering at WEAVERS, a nonprofit women’s group, adds a meaningful touch to my journey, and I find immense satisfaction in contributing to the empowerment of others.

I thrive on challenges and consider myself a proactive self-starter. Whether it’s embracing the chaos of a fast-paced environment or championing the power of teamwork, I’m all in. Currently, as the Executive Administrative Assistant at TLC Care Services, I get to wear many hats. From working directly with executives to overseeing the incredible Ninja team, it’s a dynamic role that keeps me on my toes.

What I absolutely love about TLC Care Services is our commitment to diversity. It’s not just about embracing differences; it’s about creating an environment where varied backgrounds, cultures, and experiences are not just accepted but celebrated. It’s this inclusive vibe that makes our workplace truly remarkable.

Being part of this fantastic team fills me with a deep sense of honor and gratitude. I’m extending an invitation to join me in celebrating our collective spirit with the energetic chants of #IamTeamNinja and #IAMTEAMPURPLE!


Kurt Christian Benaning



As a twenty-three-year-old young adult, I am passionate about everything I do and every job I take. I experienced many things, any bad and good. And I thank God for those life encounters as they taught me to be strong and fight.

Working in this company taught me how important it is to be patient and kind to every person. And knowing that we are helping people in need is a fulfilling job and a humble experience.

It fills me with pride to be part of this team!



Merry Surialyn Panerio



My name is Merry and my coworkers call me that because it best describes my personality, since I’m a cheerful person. I work as a virtual lead specialist, assisting the client care coordinator in gathering potential prospect information so that caregivers will be given more opportunities. I help TLC and Denali Care Services with marketing and social media management by creating brochures and other materials, as well as posting content about our services and caregiver motivations on various social media platforms (like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tiktok).

TLC and Denali Care Services have been a blessing to me since I am the sole provider for my two children; they allow me to work from home while keeping an eye on them. I enjoy baking as a hobby, and my family enjoys my cakes, so I have an online cake business. My job is teaching me how to be more skilled and goal-oriented.

I feel grateful to be a part of such an incredible team!